Cohort 3 Teams Announced
Sixteen entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and small business teams were selected for the six-month program where they will receive business and technical support to advance their circular projects.
Secure Your Sponsorship for 2025!
Review the 2025 prospectus to see the variety of opportunities available. Then contact us to discuss how you can be a part of NextCycle Washington.
NextCycle Washington Awards $28,000 to Circular Initiative Projects
Four teams took home their shares of $28,000 in funding at the Second Annual NextCycle Washington Pitch Showcase, featuring proposed projects designed to reduce waste in Washington.
Washington’s Sustainable Business Accelerator Chooses New Projects for Support
13 entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and small business teams will receive business and technical support to advance their projects impacting recycling and reuse in Washington state.
NextCycle Washington Featured in Inlander
The Inlander, a free weekly publication serving the Inland Northwest and centered in Spokane, Washington, highlighted NextCycle Washington’s open application period that is ending January 26.
Washington’s Sustainable Business Accelerator Seeks New Round of Projects
Read the press release from the Dept of Ecology announcing the application period for the next round of NextCycle Washington.
NextCycle Washington Year End Report (Cohort 1)
Download the year end report from Cohort 1 (2022-2023) of NextCycle Washington.
NextCycle Washington Year in Review Video
Watch the impact of NextCycle Washington's inaugural year including the program's key milestones, community-built programming, powerful testimonials, and compelling pitch presentations.
Evergreen State + Emerald City = Circular Economy
From GreenBiz (June 2023): Washington Governor Jay Inslee highlighted the NextCycle Washington Circular Accelerator as one of the activities related to a circular economy in the Evergreen State.
Walla Walla and Red Mountain Test Cases for Eastern Washington Glass Recycling
From Northwest Wine Report (June 2023): NextCycle Washington collaborative team - BIG Recyclers and the Glass Packaging Institute are working to get large amounts of clean beverage bottles from eastern Washington to Seattle/Portland end-use markets.
Accelerated Solutions
From Recycling Today (June 2023): To support a shift to a circular economy, including one which addresses plastics, a new model is being deployed to accelerate solutions and fill gaps through innovation and partnerships: NextCycle.
Circular Economy Event in Seattle Draws Attendees from Around World Working to Cut Waste
From GeekWire (June 2023): Seattle is hosting Circularity 23, a conference with a slate of international speakers and dozens of local presenters including NextCycle Washington alumni team GeerGarage.
3 Smart Ways Seattle is at the Forefront of Reuse
From GreenBiz (June 2023): NextCycle Washington is a program aimed at buoying support for the local circular economy in Seattle - last month it awarded more than $400,000 in grants to businesses and nonprofits.
NextCycle Washington Awards Dozens of Grants
From Resource Recycling (May 2023): The NextCycle Washington program awarded over $400,000 total in seed grants, providing up to $10,000, technical support and growth planning for each recipient.
New event aims to keep your clothes from the landfill
From Spokesman Review (May 2023): Two Spokane nonprofits and NextCycle Washington alumni Spokane Zero Waste and Art Salvage, are working to lessen the amount of textile waste heading to landfills.
Spokane's first Mend-It Café event encourages residents to repair damaged clothes in lieu of trashing them
From Inlander (May 2023): A collaboration between NextCycle Washington alumni Art Salvage Spokane and Spokane Zero Waste , the Mend-It Cafe event is free to the public.
NextCycle Washington Provides Over $400K in Grants to Projects that Expand Region’s Circular Economy
NextCycle Washington has awarded over $400,000 in grants to projects that will support local efforts to improve waste prevention, product repair/reuse, and material recycling and composting in the state.
Former CEO of OfferUp launches nonfprofit StuffTV to spark conversation about consumption
From GeekWire (April 2023): NextCycle Washington, GeerGarage, Evrnu, and Zero Waste Washington get a mention in this article about reducing the damage from runaway consumption.
Press Release: NextCycle Washington Pitch Showcase Awards
Fourteen teams from NextCycle Washington’s Circular Accelerator program participated in a Showcase challenge to demonstrate their innovative zero waste projects that will support climate action and benefit communities.
NextCycle Washington is Advancing a Just Transition to a Circular Economy
NextCycle Washington and other efforts seek to bridge the Circular Economy and Just Transition movements.
2023 NextCycle Washington Pitch Showcase Recap
NextCycle Washington hosted its first-ever Pitch Showcase on Thursday, March 23, 2023, at Kane Hall at the University of Washington, in Seattle. The Pitch Showcase was the culmination of the Circular Accelerator program, comprised of 14 teams focused on work in the circular economy.
South King Tool Library will Open Second Branch Thanks to Grant
From Auburn Reporter (March 2023): The South King Tool Library in Federal Way, a NextCycle Washington participant, will open a second branch in the South King County area thanks to a nearly $200,000 grant from King County.
PreCycle Application Deadline March 13, 2023
A program hosted by Seattle Good Business Network and Zero Waste WA provides idea-stage and development-stage startups with workshops, mentoring, networking and more.
NextCycle Washington Pitch Showcase
Teams will deliver a summary of their projects focused on waste prevention, material repair/reuse, recycling, composting, or end use that will impact the circular economy for Washington state.
Sponsor Prospectus Available for Accelerator Showcase
Download the NextCycle Washington Accelerator Showcase Prospectus to learn how your organization can support projects that improve the state’s circular economy.
Restaurant 2 Garden Cultivates Intergenerational Connections Through Food Waste Management
From People’s Economy Lab (Nov 2022): Restaurant 2 Garden, a NextCycle Washington participant, is an example of an equitable and regenerative economy project led by and serves local community members, providing non-exploitative opportunities for employment and connection, and keeping resources in the community.
How a Washington Initiative is Creating a Just Circular Economy
From Greenbiz (Oct 2022): In the Pacific Northwest, there’s collaboration brewing between private companies, public government agencies and community-based organizations that want to build a circular economy.
New business pitch competition puts environmental entrepreneurs in front of like-minded investors
Washington-based accelerator supporting 16 environmental ventures with a combination of business and technical support
Recycling Isn’t Enough to Slow Plastic Pollution, WA Scientists Say
From Crosscut (Sept 2022): Recently the center has been able to support business accelerator competitions, such as NextCycle Washington, which aims to identify innovative ideas that can create a circular economy for materials like plastic.
Webinar Recording: NextCycle Washington Renew Seed Grant
Webinar recording provides information on NextCycle Washington’s Renew Seed Grant Program.
NextCycle Business Incubator Concept Moves to West Coast
From Resource Recycling (July 2022): First there was Colorado NextCycle. Then there was NextCycle Michigan. Now, the next NextCycle has landed in Washington state.
NextCycle Washington Launches Circular Accelerator
Official press release announcing the launch of NextCycle Washington.
Webinar Recording: NextCycle Washington Circular Accelerator
NextCycle Washington held a webinar to introduce the Circular Accelerator and launch the open application period. During this webinar, information was shared about eligibility, types of projects, and upcoming deadlines.
Closed Loop Partners Pledges up to $5 Million to Support Innovations from NextCycle Initiative
Closed Loop Partners pledges support to Nextcycle - up to $5 million per project.
Closed Loop Partners to Support Resource Recycling Systems' NextCycle Initiative
From Recycling Today (April 2022): Closed Loop Partners has pledged support to the NextCycle initiative, working collaboratively with Colorado, Michigan and Washington, to identify opportunities to provide competitively priced and flexible financing of up to $5 million per project.
NextCycle Washington Accelerator Program Offers Technical Support and Funding Pathways to Support Circular Innovation
From Kitsap (Feb 2022): Help design NextCycle Washington.